
Richland teen arrested, accused of scratching demonic symbols into mom’s Mercedes, then stealing it

RICHLAND, Wash. — A teenager in the southeastern Washington city of Richland was arrested this weekend, accused of scratching demonic symbols into his mother’s car before stealing it.

Richland Police were called to a domestic violence incident on Saturday and planned to arrest the teen for damaging his mother’s Mercedes SUV, but the boy wouldn’t cooperate and ran away, according to the police department.

On Sunday at around 9:30 a.m., the teen’s mother reported that her son had stolen her SUV. Shortly after, a tracking device showed the stolen SUV was entering Benton City.

Benton County deputies found the teen in the SUV outside the Palm Tavern. He was still uncooperative and refused to get out of the stolen vehicle, so deputies requested the help of additional units and SWAT officers.

Officers from the Richland Police Department, the West Richland Police Department, and a K-9 unit from the Pasco Police Department arrived to help.

Though officers tried to negotiate with the teen, he refused to cooperate, and yelled incoherent statements, according to police. While trying to get away in the stolen Mercedes, he hit at least one Benton County Sheriff’s Office vehicle before speeding away.

Police said that at 10:34 a.m., the teen called 911, making bizarre demands and revealing his location as Third and Carol in Benton City. Police found him backed into a wooded area.

Once again, despite attempts to negotiate, he refused to get out of the stolen car and tried to get away, this time clipping a West Richland PD patrol vehicle.

Just before noon, the teen called 911 again from a home surrounded by orchards on Demoss Road. Police staged nearby and used a Richland PD drone to confirm the teen’s location.

After coming up with a tactical plan, officers swarmed the stolen SUV and pinned it in place.

Once again, the teen tried to escape, but a short time later gave up, got out of the car, and was taken into custody.