Salvation Army teams up with Redmond Church for a food drive

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REDMOND, Wash. — This is what neighbors helping neighbors looks like.

“The need is astronomical,” said Captain Jonathan Harvey, General Secretary of The Salvation Army in the Northwest.

Set up in the parking lot of Timberlake Church in Redmond, the Salvation Army and church volunteers teamed up for a food drive. Donors drove up and donated items that will eventually go out to folks in need.

“We have seen food box needs literally double in the last couple of months. We have gone from, in February we were doing about 10,000 food boxes a month in the area. That is now up to 22,000,” Harvey added.

Unfortunately, the Salvation Army expects that number to only go up. Which is why events like this are critical.

“The needs are very real. The longer this goes on though, the needs become more and more so we want to rise up and meet those needs,” Care Pastor Steve Knox said.16:09

Volunteers said they're just trying to do their part.

“We’ve never gone through anything like this before. For people that have lost their jobs or don't know if they will have a job to come back to, I think that's very frightening,” volunteer Rhonda Winner said.

The goal of this drive - to collect 2,500 pounds of food. What they're asking for are non-perishable food, personal hygiene products and household cleaning supplies. That will build about 100 food boxes for local families.

“We just want to make sure our neighbors are being taken care of,” Harvey said.