
Scientists expect ‘murder hornets’ to be found in new areas of Washington


WHATCOM COUNTY, Wash. — Ahead of summer, entomologists at the Washington State Department of Agriculture (WSDA) said there was a likelihood Asian giant hornets would be found in areas beyond Whatcom County.

In the process, scientists said it would be the first time “murder hornets” would be found in other parts of the state.

“They’re very strong flyers, so those nearby counties should definitely be on the lookout,” said Karla Salp, WSDA.

Entomologists are so serious about the impending threat that they unveiled an Asian giant hornet tip line this past week.

From here on out, anyone who thinks they see one of the hornets is asked to phone in a tip immediately.

From there, scientists said they will use the public’s information to track and kill the hornets starting in July.

“We would rather sort through all those reports of harmless insects, just to get that one report of an Asian giant hornet,” Salp told KIRO 7.

That type of information led to huge success in 2020.

Entomologists reported that more than half of all “murder hornets” were found because of people’s phone calls.

As always, scientists said this isn’t an issue about public safety. Rather, it concerns the safety of the planet.

That’s because Asian giant hornets hunt and kill honeybees.

Yet again, the search is on to stop the hornets before they do even more damage to our ecosystem.

To report a sighting of Asian giant hornets, click here.

Sightings can also be reported by calling (800) 443-6684.