
Hundreds march with Seahawks wives across I-90

SEATTLE — Led by the wives of two Seahawks, hundreds of protesters marched peacefully across I-90 in what they called a “Bridge to the Future.”

The size of the crowd surprised Nathalie Wright and Tiffany Chancellor, who said it took them just five days to organize the march. The call was answered by hundreds of people, mostly from the east side, who gathered at Aubrey Davis Park on Mercer Island for the march to Seattle.

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You could call it a kind of public coming out for two women accustomed to standing in the long shadows of their husbands, current Seahawks linebacker KJ Wright and former Seahawks Strong Safety Kam Chancellor.

They said it was the first time they had done anything like this, and that they were moved to act by the death of George Floyd.

“I mean, look at what’s going on,” said Tiffany. “To get frank, black men are still being lynched in the streets and we have phones now. And people are recording it. And you get to see it.”

The march was Tiffany’s idea.

“She said ‘Nathalie, what do you think if we do our own march?’” said Wright. “I said, ‘let me think about it.’ And later on that night, I said, why not? Let’s do it. And it took off and here we are.”

The nearly five-mile march ended at East Portal Viewpoint Park in Seattle., and attracted the wife of another former Seahawks cornerback, DeShawn Shead.

“Even though my husband is no longer playing at the moment, I’m still very close with Tiffany as well as Nathalie, Tia,” said Jessica Shead. “All of us also get together very regularly. And so it’s important to come out here and support this.”

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