Search for land underway to set up RV ‘safe lot’ in Seattle

SEATTLE — The Low Income Housing Institute (LIHI) is working to find land to set up a “safe lot” for those who are homeless and living in their recreational vehicles.

The King County Regional Homelessness Authority awarded $1.9 million to LIHI to set up and operate an RV safe lot, which is expected to serve about 35 vehicles or about 50 people.

The safe lot could exist as either a commercial lease or operate on city property.

While land has not been found yet, once the program gets running, LIHI will offer services that will include 24/7 case management, behavioral health and substance abuse treatment.

The goal of the safe lot program is to help those living in an unsafe RV transition to permanent housing.

LIHI says, “In many cases, RVs are in such poor condition that they should be disposed of and are too dangerous to live in. Ending homelessness for people in RVs may include moving to housing, in some cases permanent supportive housing, or reuniting people with family or friends.”

LIHI is working with the Scofflaw Mitigation Project, a homeless outreach organization with more than 10 years of experience, to aid in the intake process.

The contract for the program runs from June 2022 through February 2023.