
Seattle dog walker killed in carjacking: what happened to the dogs?

SEATTLE - — Almost one week after a beloved Seattle dog walker was killed in a carjacking, KIRO 7 is getting an update on how some of the dogs are doing.

Melanie Roberts, granddaughter of Ruth Dalton, now runs a memorial page on Facebook in her honor.

On the page, she is sharing pictures and status updates on some of the dogs that were with Dalton on August 20, when she was carjacked and ultimately killed.


Bentley is a two-year-old Corgi. KIRO 7 spoke to his owner, Susan Lindsay, who says he is sticking close to her after what happened. She says Bentley ran about a mile from the carjacking into the arboretum, and bystanders were able to catch him and call her.

“I just want to thank those people for helping,” Lindsay said. “They have no idea how grateful I am.”

Lindsay tells KIRO 7 that she was confused to get the call. She said Dalton had just picked up Bentley about 20 minutes before the attack happened.

Bentley was uninjured in the carjacking and is enjoying being home.

Doggie update: Bentley Bentley was with Grandma that day..... I talked to his mama who told me, "Bentley seems to be...

Posted by Remembering Ruth Dalton on Sunday, August 25, 2024


Maisie the King Charles Cavalier is officially home! Her owner, who wishes to remain anonymous, tells KIRO 7 that she is profoundly grateful for Ruth.

“We know Maisie would not be here without her bravery. We will miss her kindness and dedication to Maisie and our family beyond words.”

Maisie has had 3 surgeries since the day Ruth was attacked.

MAISIE IS HOME!!! The family writes, "She is doing well. Her recovery will be long but we are so grateful to have her...

Posted by Remembering Ruth Dalton on Monday, August 26, 2024

Cowboy & Mister

“This doggy family has twice the celebration in their hearts! “Roberts wrote on Facebook. Their owner told her that Cowboy, who is five years old, seems to be struggling more than his brother, Mister, who is one and a half.

“He simply adored Ruth. He’s spent his days staring out the window waiting for her. He’s not his normal self; think it’ll take time,” the owner tells Roberts.

“We’ve said Ruth’s name so much, obviously, and every time he hears it, he cocks his head and gets excited. It’s actually heartbreaking…..it’ll take time for him to adjust”.

Doggie updates: Cowboy & Mister This doggy family has twice the celebration in their hearts! Meet Cowboy & Mister! ...

Posted by Remembering Ruth Dalton on Sunday, August 25, 2024


In addition to clients’ dogs, Dalton also had her dog Prince with her the day she was killed.

According to court documents, 48-year-old Jahmed Haynes, the man who police arrested for the crime, drove to Seattle’s Rainier Valley after stealing Dalton’s car—and Prince was still inside.

Seattle Police say Haynes stabbed the dog to death and left it in a recycling bin at the Brighton Playfield.

According to the Facebook page run by Roberts, there is a growing memorial for Prince at that location.

Haynes has been charged with Murder in the First Degree, Assault in the Second Degree, and Animal Cruelty in the First Degree. All three charges include a deadly weapon enhancement.

Haynes is scheduled to appear Sept. 5 for his arraignment hearing.

Thank you SO SO SO much Dorothy for making a memorial for Prince! We have discussed ideas for a permanent memorial in...

Posted by Remembering Ruth Dalton on Sunday, August 25, 2024
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