Seattle man caught in missing cat scam

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SEATTLE — Scammers are preying on owners whose pets have gone missing by pretending to be with local animal shelters.

“I would do anything to get my baby boy back,” said cat owner Justin Hills.

Hills told KIRO 7 it’s been an emotional roller coaster ever since his now 14-year-old cat Little Wayne Shorter went missing in November.

Two weeks later, he got a phone call from someone claiming to be with the Seattle Animal Shelter.

“The guy was rehearsed, was smooth. He sounded like, you know, an experienced person,” Hills added. “They knew they had done some research on me before they called. You know, they knew my name. They knew my cat’s name, you know, the address and all this.”

Hills says they told him what no pet owner wants to hear.

“He has been injured. He was hit by a car. He needs surgery. Do you want to go ahead with that surgery? And then they wanted, asked if I could Venmo them $2,800,” Hills explained.

The Seattle Animal Shelter told KIRO 7 that’s a big giveaway of a scam.

" We would never ask somebody over the phone to make a payment. We’re going to get that pet to a veterinarian and get it care and treatment, and then we’ll work out how to get the pet back to the owner after that,” said Don Baxter, Manager of Field Services.

Hills says he knew something wasn’t right, but he was willing to take the risk for Little Wayne.

“The back of my head is screaming, ‘This is a scam. This is a scam.’ But at the same time, because it’s such an emotional pull, I’m thinking, even if there’s only a 10% chance that this is real, you know, I want to go ahead with it,” he said.

Hills said he called his bank about it, which advised him it was a scam.

Fortunately, he never sent the money. But he warns other pet owners to think twice as these scammers aim to take advantage of your emotions.

“He was my fur child. He was my kid. You know, it still breaks my heart that he’s gone,” Hill said.

The Seattle Animal Shelter says if your pet is lost, visit their lost pet page: You can also call (206) 386-7387 or visit the shelter between open hours Tues-Fri and Sat/Sun from 1-5 p.m.