Seattle owner says they will be back ‘better than ever’ as sports bar avoids closure

SEATTLE — The ‘Angry Beaver’ in Greenwood originally told its loyal customers that the sports bar would be closing down after a pipe burst. However, the owner seems to have had a change of heart.

“I just wanted to say thank you and that I’m humbled by the outpouring of love and assistance from y’all,” the owner said.

A video was circling on social media of water flooding every inch of the darkened building. In response to the disaster, the bar began accepting donations from its patrons.

“Everything got taken down in the bar,” they continued. “All the jerseys all the artwork all the memorabilia has been packed away.”

The owner had told KIRO 7 that they felt like the bar was cursed after a series of unfortunate events.

Luckily for the overjoyed community, the Beaver never saw a leak it couldn’t dam. Numerous patrons soon posted comments on the business’s Facebook page to celebrate the welcome news.

“It’s been a very difficult 10 days or so, but things are in motion and we’ll be back in three weeks to a month better than ever,” said the owner.