
Seattle teaming with state to provide college scholarships

SEATTLE — The city of Seattle announced it is teaming up with Washington state to provide college scholarships for students pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering, math and health care.

The city will invest up to $400,000 with the Washington State Opportunity Scholarship program, and the state will match the investment.

The scholarships, expected to total $800,000, will be for Seattle Promise scholars.

Seattle is the first city in the state to partner with WSOS, and Mayor Jenny Durkan said it will “ensure students most impacted by the pandemic have continued support to complete their degrees and get great jobs in critical industries in the city and state”.

Applications for Seattle Promise are already open to current Seattle Public Schools seniors who will be graduating in 2022.

Applications for the Washington State Opportunity Scholarship will open on Jan. 5, 2022, and are open to any students in Washington.

The municipal match partnership will be funded by federal Coronavirus Local Recovery Funds.

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