Sen. Murray announces more than $33M in federal grants for public housing across state

U.S. Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) on Friday announced more than $33 million in federal funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for public housing programs across the state.

The funding is part of the HUD Capital Fund Program, which gives resources to housing agencies for the development and modernization of housing properties.

“Right now, Washington state is facing a serious housing crisis, which has been tough for everyone—but especially hard on our seniors, people with disabilities, and families struggling to make ends meet,” Murray said. “Federal investments like these help families across our state with the tightest budgets find and keep a roof over their head, and help preserve our existing affordable housing. While I continue to push for a major federal investment in housing, getting these resources out to our communities will make an importance difference.”

The following list shows all of the Washington state recipients awarded with the HUD funding: