
Shelton 19-year-old shot, killed inside his home

19-year-old shot, killed in his home Photo of Izaiah provided by the GoFundMe fundraiser [Desiree Morgan] (eyJpdiI6ImduVURzZUcvUjBKMmFGRElGSUFZL0E9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoiY0xGbStBRlNZbG4wUHhaODRWWjZDT3VwV0Jubkl0cTkxR1V6MmlqcDQ1a3RyaTB1cnNrdlJiMkF5SXVvVStLVyIsIm1hYyI6IjNhN2RkYmRjN2I0NTBhM2NkZGZjYTU0ZjIyNjRiYTMyNDVkZTFhYjFjZDMwYzQ0Zjg3YjJiZjgzOTE5NGRmZDEiLCJ0YWciOiIifQ==)

A GoFundMe has been created to help the family of a 19-year-old who was shot and killed inside his Shelton home while watching a movie.

On Feb. 3, neighbors on W May Avenue reported hearing gunshots around 10:15 p.m. When law enforcement responded to the home it was believed to have come from, they found a man dead inside.

Witnesses said two men ran off a few minutes after the gunshots, and one barricaded himself inside a metal shop on Johns Prairie Road, which is about four miles away.

Both were arrested and booked in connection to the May Avenue homicide.

The victim was later identified as 19-year-old Izaiha Fryer.

Friends of the family have established two GoFundMe fundraisers to help the family with funeral expenses.

“We are raising funds to assist her [Izaiha’s mother] and her family with the funeral and memorial costs to lay her son to rest. As she and her family now have to prepare for the unbearable reality of life without Izaiha. She is also going to need an immeasurable amount of time to grieve the loss of her son. I am hoping we can also help enough monetarily so she and her 4 other children can take the time they need during this very difficult time,” one of the fundraisers said.

You can donate to the family here and here.