Snohomish County reports 14th child injured in window fall this year

South County firefighters responded to a serious incident over the weekend, where a 4-year-old girl fell from a third-story window in Lynnwood.

This marks the 14th reported window fall in Snohomish County this year, with eight in June alone.

The accident happened at a townhome on 40th Avenue West shortly after 8 p.m. Saturday.

The child fell through a window screen, landing on the concrete below. She was quickly transported to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle.

As of July 1, Snohomish County has surpassed its yearly average of eight reported window falls.

To help prevent further incidents, parents and caregivers of young children are advised to:

  • Use window stops or guards that prevent windows from opening more than 4 inches.
  • Move furniture such as cribs, desks, beds, and tables away from windows.
  • Plant bushes and flower beds under windows to soften landing surfaces.
  • Do not rely on window screens to prevent falls.
  • Keep windows closed and locked when not in use.
  • Actively supervise children, especially around open windows.

Child safety window stops, which prevent young children from opening windows but can be easily removed in case of fire, are available for purchase online and at most hardware stores.