Car with woman, toddler inside hit by train in Rainier Valley

SEATTLE — A woman and her young daughter are at a hospital but appear to be OK after their car collided with a light rail train in the Rainier Valley.

The crash happened along Martin Luther King Jr. Way South at South Kenyon Street Tuesday morning.

Transit security said that at about 10 a.m., a  car was trying to make an illegal left turn when the train smashed into the left side of the rear end of the vehicle that had a mother and her young daughter inside.

The child was in a car seat in the back, but the car seat was positioned on the right side of the vehicle.

Video from the scene showed the woman and her daughter,  who appears to be 2 or 3 years old, sitting on the sidewalk getting aid from police and paramedics. The girl was cut by broken glass.

A  teenager on the train complained that his back was hurting, but everyone else was OK.

One neighbor says he's seen a number of close calls at this intersection, where cars try to outrun the trains and traffic lights change too quickly.

A Seattle police officer said there have been a handful of similar crashes in the past year and none of the intersections in the area have gates to protect cars from the light rail.