
Subway restaurants accused of minimum wage, overtime violations in Burien, Renton, SeaTac, Tukwila

(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images/Getty Images)
(Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images/Getty Images)

Wash. — An investigation into several Subway restaurants by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division found that locations in Burien, Renton, SeaTac, and Tukwila were in violation of minimum wage, overtime, and tip pool regulations.

The investigation recovered a total of $75,000 for workers employed by JRKT Enterprises LLC who operated the restaurants under different corporate names.

The organization and its leader Taran Singh had failed to pay workers the full amount of their earnings required under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Employees were not compensated for required job training and were not paid appropriate overtime for working more than 40 hours in a work week.

The investigation recovered $37,476 in unpaid wages and tips for 59 employees along with $37,476 in liquidated damages for those same employees along with $5,924 in civil money penalties

“Food service workers are common victims of labor violations by unscrupulous employers that disrespect the law and their workers while jeopardizing their reputations, franchise agreements, and, in this case, the Subway brand,” said Wage and Hour Division District Director Thomas Silva in Seattle. “We encourage employers in this industry to review their pay practices and avoid costly consequences.”

If you have questions or concerns regarding a potential violation of the Wages and the Fair Labor Standards Act, you can call a toll-free helpline at 866-4US-WAGE (487-9243).