
‘Surviving Summer: 90 Dangerous Days’ campaign begins June

Starting June 1, law enforcement agencies across Washington will participate in the Surviving Summer: 90 Dangerous Days campaign that focuses on reducing serious injury and fatal collisions.

For the past 5 years, June through August have been the deadliest months in traffic-related fatalities.

“Any life lost is unacceptable,” John R. Batiste, Washington State Police (WSP) Chief said. “Changing the trends we have observed over of the past few years takes the effort of everyone in our community, including you as the driver.”

According to WSP, the summer months account for 32% of traffic deaths across the state with 55% of those due to impaired driving.

“We all want to get out and enjoy the beauty of Washington during the summer, and we also want to get to our destinations safely,” Shelly Baldwin, Director of the WTSC said. “We can all stay safer by doing four simple things on our roadways: follow posted speeds, pay attention to other road users, drive sober, and buckle up.”

Law enforcement is asking drivers to help reduce the risks by driving safely and helping to protect others on the road this summer.

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