
Double traffic trouble: Closures on 520 Bridge, I-405 this weekend


SEATTLE, KENT, RENTON — Unless you enjoy gridlock, you might want to rethink your weekend plans if they involve two of our state’s major highways.

Two closures of parts of major Puget Sound-area highways will begin Friday night and last throughout the weekend.

The State Route 520 Bridge will be closed in both directions, as well as parts of northbound Interstate 405. Southbound State Route 167 was also set for a closure, but it has been postponed due to rainy weather in the forecast.

Northbound I-405

I-405 will close in Renton from SR 167 to State Route 169 starting at 11:59 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 23 to 4 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 26.

These ramps will also be closed:

  • The SR 167 on-ramp to northbound I-405
  • The northbound I-405 off-ramp to SR 169 (Exit 4)

Crews will replace pavement panels.

Drivers can expect a detour in downtown Renton on S Grady Way, however, officials said they anticipate there will be a lot of traffic.

“On 405, we see around 100,000 cars a day. So, for displacing that many vehicles, a lot of people are going to take city streets for a detour. We just don’t have the ability to accept that level of volume. So, we’re really asking people to do, travel during off-peak hours. If you can delay discretionary trips, definitely do that. Carpool and take mass transit,” said Craig Smiley, Washington State Department of Transportation’s Communications.

Several small businesses along northbound I-405 are expected to see the impact of the temporary closures, including Mizu Japanese Steakhouse.

“We’re very reliant on that traffic,” said Giorgio Mihaila, co-owner of the restaurant.

The co-owner said the weekends bring in around 50 percent of their week’s business.

“Operating a business in the City of Renton is very very challenging because the margins are so slim. The minimum wage is so high. So, we absolutely need be able to get those types of customers to come inside our business,” he added.

SR 520 in both directions

SR 520 will be closed in both directions across Lake Washington in Seattle from I-5 to 92nd Avenue Northeast in Clyde Hill. This is scheduled to begin Friday at11 p.m. on Friday, Aug. 23, to 5 a.m. on Monday, Aug. 26.

The SR 520 Trail will also be closed across the lake to bicyclists and pedestrians.

During the closure, crews will pave and install utilities and lighting.

To make matters worse, Seattle is expecting heavy traffic throughout the day as the Mariners, Seahawks and Reign are scheduled to play at home.