
Trump administration to cut money for National Guard

WASHINGTON — Roughly 1,000 Washington National Guard troops are part of the state’s pandemic response, including 400 men and women working to help food banks statewide. They are doing work that older volunteers can’t because of the coronavirus.

The Guard said it costs upward of $15 million a month to keep the Guard on duty, and President Donald Trump’s administration had been paying 100% of the cost.

But Trump has decided to cut that federal aid by 25% beginning Aug. 21. That would force Washington state to come up with $4 million a month.

“Mitch McConnell and a number of others on the Republican side and White House are distrustful of government. So they are reluctant to believe that the federal government has a role to play in this. I think that’s a disastrous opinion,” said Seattle Congressman Adam Smith. He oversees the military as chair of the House Armed Services Committee.

“Now the states have to pick up 25%. Well, they’re already looking at deficits of 20 and 30%. That’s a severe blow,” he said.

Some 200 Washington Guard troops have been involved in putting together COVID-19 test kits. Gov. Jay Inslee wrote to the secretary of defense, “It is clear that help from the Washington National Guard remains essential through the end of the year.”

“The state of Washington and the Washington National Guard request an extension of the 100 percent FEMA reimbursement,” his letter continued.

“The Guard’s precious asset right now,” Inslee said of the Guard’s work.

More than 700 Guard members were trained to launch the contact tracing needed to help slow the spread of the virus.

Sens. Maria Cantwell and Patty Murray wrote to Trump, “This new determination to reduce the cost share comes at the worst possible time, as positive cases continue to rise …”

“We need help. The Guard has been crucial,” said Smith.

If Trump doesn’t rescind the 25% federal cut before it takes effect, there’s no word yet on where Washington state will find the money to replace it.

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