
Two dead in small airplane crash in Clark County

CLARK COUNTY, Wash. — Two people were killed in a small airplane crash in Clark County, officials with the Clark County Sheriff’s Office said Monday.

Officials said a pilot flying over the Daybreak area reported seeing a downed aircraft in a marshy area.

The pilot was able to direct first responders while circling overhead to the crash site – located south of the East Fork Lewis River at the dead end of Bjur Road off Northeasat 296th Street.

Deputies said the aircraft was a single engine plane, with two seats and a home-built propeller. Officials said the plane crashed into about two feet of water.

"The aircraft contained the bodies of the deceased pilot and a deceased passenger, both adult males that appeared to have perished on impact," deputies wrote in a news release.

The Sheriff’s Office said no other details about the crash will be released until  officials from the Federal Aviation Administration conduct an investigation.

KIRO 7 will continue to update this story as more information becomes available.

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