
Two drownings in two days in W. Washington rivers

Two drownings on Western Washington rivers in two days have authorities worried more may be coming with people trying to beat the heat by swimming and tubing in cold waters.
Chopper 7 was over the Stillaguamish River Thursday afternoon as first responders tried to rescue a man who apparently fell off an inner tube. They got him to shore but he didn’t make it.
A few hours later, a mile from the drowning scene, Jessika Lindblom and Alex Schrattenholzer were just finishing up a ride down the river.
“We just decided to swim and float because it’s been really hot today,” Lindblom said.
She also said she knows the river is cold and said they are being careful by staying clear of deeper portions of the river.
“If we can’t see the bottom, we make sure we don’t move,” Lindblom said.  “Once we see the bottom we know we’re good and we can get up.”

GRANITE FALLS, Wash. — Wednesday, 17-year-old Samantha Spigel drowned in the Snoqualmie River.  She was swimming with friends and got caught in a swift current.

Her family released a statement reading in part:

“She was a determined, exuberant young woman. She had very big dreams, aspiring to earn a law degree to work as an advocate for children… what happened was a tragic accident.”
Authorities have yet to say what led up to Thursday’s drowning on the Stillaguamish.  However, many of those on the river in the evening could be seen wearing life jackets and generally being more cautious.