
Unmanned boat rescued by Thurston County Sheriff after drifting into shipping lane

The Thurston County Sheriff’s Office safely secured a drifting, unmanned boat that was posing a hazard in the Puget Sound shipping channel last week.

A boating deputy first spotted the boat adrift near Tugboat Annie’s without a registered owner or occupants.

Over the weekend, after storms swept through the area, the boat’s anchor failed to hold, causing it to drift closer to the merge point of the shipping channel.

Despite these movements, the vessel remained unmanned, raising concerns about its potential danger to other ships.

The boat was found even further into the shipping channel on Wednesday, still improperly anchored and unmanned.

Given the risk it posed to incoming and outgoing vessels, the Thurston County boating deputy took action.

The 140-foot anchor line was pulled, and the boat was towed back to a safe harbor, where it was secured to a dock.

Authorities continue to seek information about the boat’s owner.

Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the Thurston County Sheriff’s Office.

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