
Vehicle’s sunroof smashed by object thrown from Highway 509 overpass in Burien, driver says

BURIEN, Wash. — A vehicle’s sunroof was hit by a large object that was thrown from an overpass in Burien, according to the driver and passenger.

Tammy White was visiting the greater-Seattle area to catch up with her friends when her trip took a sudden unexpected turn.

A large object smashed the sunroof of her Mercedes SUV as she was traveling south on Highway 509 in Burien Monday evening.

“I thought maybe we were shot at, or somebody hit the car,” she said.

White was catching up with her friend Lovenia Smith, of Burien, when they heard a loud bang, between a pedestrian bridge and the S. 136th Street overpass, she shared.

“I felt super afraid,” Smith said. “I definitely think it was someone that threw something off the bridge, off the overpass.”

White called 911 after she quickly exited off the highway.

They’re not exactly sure what struck the vehicle, however, White said she believes it was likely a large rock or brick.

White’s sunroof may have saved her life, she added.

“It was very terrifying. I was actually surprised we didn’t find anything in the car. I think it did kind of hit, it shattered, but it ricocheted off to the side because there was nothing in the car.”

The alleged incident comes after a number of similar reports across King County.

“I hear about that often down here people throwing things off the overpasses or the side of the road,” she shared.

KIRO 7 News reached out to Washington State Patrol. We’re still waiting for more details.

Both White and Smith are hoping to raise awareness to get more information from witnesses on the person responsible for the damage, while hoping to prevent a similar situation from happening to other drivers.

“The only thing I can do is to be one more person who’s making people aware so that more people are watching out for those things because when we speak up, we can make a difference,” said Smith.

If you have any details that can help detectives, you’re asked to call 911.