
Video: Endangered Red Wolf puppies bond at Point Defiance Zoo’s offsite facility

EATONVILLE, Wash. — Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium posted an update, or a ‘pupdate’ if you will, on the five American Red Wolf puppies born in the spring.

On Tuesday, the zoo shared video of the five-month-old pups online, saying they “continue to play, bond and grow” at their offsite facility.

Three males and two females were born in April at the zoo’s offsite breeding facility in Eatonville.

It was established in the 1980s to help restore the endangered species and is home to about 51 Red Wolves.

According to their website, only about 20 Red Wolves are remaining in the wild in eastern North Carolina.

“These Red Wolves are cared for with as little human interaction as possible to prepare them for potential release and success in the wild,” said Curator Natalie Davis. Davis.

The zoo says the pups each weigh a little more than 20 lbs.

No word when they will be released into the wild.