
Volunteers clean up more than 400 pounds of garbage at Burien park

Cleanup at Puget Sound Park 69 people participated in the cleanup effort. (KIRO 7 News)

BURIEN, Wash. — Dozens of volunteers helped clean up a Burien park on Sunday.

They fanned out across Puget Sound Park on First Avenue South near South 124th Street, picking up trash and doing what they could to help beautify the area.

The group behind the cleanup is known as ASEZ WAO, which stands for “Saving the Earth from A-Z. We are one.”

The group is the youth volunteer arm of the Church of God, and 69 volunteers from across the state participated in the cleanup effort.

“We basically want to clean up the trash and have a clean environment. When there’s a clean environment, people feel more ownership for the environment. They feel happier in their environment, so that’s what it’s all about for us,” said volunteer Michael Severence.

The volunteers said they picked up about 435 pounds of garbage and debris.

The cleanup was part of a global effort.