
VOTE: WSDOT narrows down names for its 4th tow plow to 16 choices

WSDOT tow plows WSDOT's fleet of three Tow Plows – Plowie McPlow Plow, The Big Leplowski and Sir Plows-A-Lot – now have a fourth member of their squad, but it needs a name. (WSDOT)

SPOKANE, Wash. — The Washington State Department of Transportation has narrowed down more than 1,000 suggestions received from the public to name its fourth tow plow.

A tow plow is a trailer that attaches to the back of a snowplow truck that allows a second lane to be cleared of snow and ice at the same time as the plow truck. It can also dispense deicer.


The newest tow plow will join WSDOT’s family of first three tow plows — Plowie McPlow Plow, The Big Leplowski and Sir Plows-A-Lot — which were also named by the public.

WSDOT has narrowed the suggestions down to 16 names and it’s now time for the public to vote.

There are four polls with four names each that can be voted on through Friday, March 25.

The winner of each of the four polls will move on to a final four choices starting Monday, March 28 to decide a winner on Friday, April 1.