
WA lawmakers propose new stricter gun bills aimed to reduce gun violence


OLYMPIA, Wash. — Washington state lawmakers proposed new stricter gun bills that are aimed at reducing gun violence across the state.

During a press conference Tuesday afternoon inside the Washington State Capitol Building, several state lawmakers and leaders of the Alliance for Gun Responsibility announced six bills, including a new permit-to-purchase system (HB 1163/SB 5140) that would require applicants to submit their fingerprints and show proof that they have completed firearm training before purchasing a gun.

Other bills include secure storage requirements for guns inside vehicles and homes (HB 1152), additional requirements and accountability for gun dealers (SB 5099), restrictions on bulk purchases of weapons and ammo (HB 1132), a tax on the sale of guns and ammo to fund violence intervention programs and support victim services (HB 1386), and restrictions on the possession of weapons on state or local properties, parks or playground facilities where children are likely to be around, and county fairs and facilities (SB 5098).

“There is no single policy that will reduce all gun violence. It’s a public health problem and it takes a system of laws, safeguards, training and programs that work together to keep guns out of dangerous hands and keep our communities safe,” said Renée Hopkins, CEO of the Alliance for Gun Responsibility.

“Gun violence remains a national epidemic. It is the leading cause of death of children and teens in our country,” she added.

Liz Hjelmseth, a gun violence survivor and a gun owner, said the new bills would help protect communities.

“You need to store your gun properly. If that law was in place when I was kid, I wouldn’t have been shot,” she said.

KIRO 7 News spoke with Andy Theilen, co-owner of Glacier Gun Club, to understand his perspective on the bills.

Theilen said he supports sensible gun laws, however, the new bills do not address the root issue.

“If they’re really concerned about those things, why aren’t we going after the criminals that are committing these things? We all know in this state, it’s a slap on the wrist for those things. They’re only going after the sensible gun owners,” he said.

The co-owner said several of the new bills, especially the secure storage requirements for guns, would put families in danger.

“You can’t have it on your nightstand loaded. You can’t have it in your drawer in your nightstand. It has to be locked up. Bad guys know that. If somebody kicks in my bedroom door, I don’t have time to go to my safe, unlock my safe, load my gun and to protect myself,” he added.

After reaching out to the National Rifle Association, John Commerford, Executive Director of the NRA Institute for Legislative Action, shared the following statement:

“Just weeks into the legislative session, gun control extremists are pushing more anti-gun measures in Olympia that seek to dismantle the right to keep and bear arms. This is on top of the 28 other gun control laws enacted in the state over the past decade. The NRA and its members will fight against these egregious proposals that infringe on the Second Amendment. The State Legislature should focus on targeting and punishing criminals, not peaceable gun owners.”