Washington dad imitates daughter's ‘sexy selfies' instead of telling her to stop

“So my daughter has been posting sexy selfies of herself,” Chris "Burr" Martin wrote on his Instagram page. “And instead of telling her to stop, well, I thought of something better.”

SPOKANE, Wash. — A Washington state father calls himself an “all-around man of action.”

And that rings true in his method of teaching his daughter a lesson about sexy selfies.

"So my daughter has been posting sexy selfies of herself," Chris "Burr" Martin wrote <a href="https://www.instagram.com/therealburrmartin/" target="_blank">on his Instagram page</a>. "And instead of telling her to stop, well, I thought of something better."

The Olympian reported that Burr is a comedian/podcaster/radio host/actor in Spokane.

Martin said he tried to get his daughter to “tone down” her sexy selfies, but she didn’t.

So he took to his media social pages to make duck lips and pouty faces and recreate his daughter's tattoos.

It appears that his recreations aren’t just limited to his daughter’s photos.

One of Burr's Instagram posts shows him posing like his son.

Martin's daughter, Cassie, is sharing her dad's fun posts to social media, and doesn't seem too serious about her griping.