
Washingtonians 16 and up to be eligible for vaccines by May 1

All Washington residents who are 16 and older can get in line for a COVID-19 vaccine by May 1.

The Washington State Department of Health confirmed with KIRO 7 on Wednesday.

>>RELATED: How can I get vaccinated in Washington state?

The state Department of Health has accelerated its tiered approach to vaccine eligibility after President Joe Biden earlier this month directed states to make the vaccine available to all adults nationwide by then.

The state’s vaccine prioritization guidance, which has opened vaccines to health-care workers, long-term care residents, people 65 and older and others, hadn’t clarified whether Washington would comply.

>>RELATED: Vaccination rates in Washington state

Washington is currently in Phase 1B tier of 2 of vaccine distribution.

The Department of Health provided a list of the people who are eligible:

  • High-risk critical workers* in the following industries: agriculture, fishing vessel crews, food processing, grocery store/food bank, corrections (prisons, jails, detention centers), court of law, public transit, and remaining first responders
  • People 16 years or older who are pregnant or have a disability that puts them at high risk for severe COVID-19 illness
  • Anyone 65 and older
  • All people 50 and older who also live in a multigenerational household
  • All workers at risk in health care settings
  • Educators and school staff for pre-kindergarten through 12th grade, and child care workers
  • People who live or work in long-term care facilities

*Work in an enclosed space around other people and cannot maintain physical distance.

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