
WDFW is holding public comment on 20 proposed land acquisitions across Washington

20 proposed public land acquisitions (Anderson, Benjamin L (DFW)/WDFW)

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife wants to hear from the public on 20 proposed land acquisitions.

The 20 proposed acquisitions are in Asotin, Benton, Douglas, Jefferson, Kitsap, Kittitas, Klickitat, Okanogan, Pacific and Thurston counties.

In total, the land is about 13,749 acres, WDFW wrote.

Acquisitions are based on the potential benefits to fish, wildlife, and habitat conservation or to improve recreation opportunities.

The public has until Nov. 27 to submit their comments to lands@dfw.wa.gov.

After the public comment period ends, WDFW will finalize the list and prepare it for the funding phase.

More information about the proposed acquisitions can be found here.