What Mayor Ed Murray's accuser said on live TV

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SEATTLE — Seattle mayor Ed Murray has announced his resignation effective at 5:00 p.m. Wednesday after The Seattle Times published allegations from Mayor Ed Murray’s cousin saying he also was sexually abused by Murray in the 1970s. Murray’s cousin is the fifth person to accuse the mayor of sexual abuse decades ago. The mayor denies all the accounts.



Jeff Simpson, who has accused Seattle Mayor Ed Murray of sexually abusing him as a boy, when he lived in a Portland center for troubled youth, joined KIRO 7 during special coverage, and offered his reaction to the resignation.

"It was just prayers answered. The people of Seattle have been so supportive of me during this whole ordeal. It saddens me to see Ed every time to get up there and use his power as mayor to defend himself. I am so grateful that Joe and his family have come forward because for them it takes a lot of courage to do that. I'm definitely happy that a known pedophile, Ed Murray, a sex offender is finally stepping down. He does not deserve to be in a position of power because he obviously abuses it".

When asked how many times Mayor Ed Murray sexually abused him, Simpson responded, "Too many times to count. It started at age 13 and ended at about age 17 or 18... (the abuse) has totally devastated my life. I don't blame anybody for what I have been through, but I was already starting out with strikes against me. Being an orphan, not having a family, and Mayor Murray groomed me. He was my primary care provider as my counselor at the group home. Looking back now and knowing what I know now he groomed me. All of his accusations against me, he had planned years ago for when this happened. I'm glad to see that he is stepping down because that's what needs to happen. The people of Seattle need to put this behind them and move forward.  Everybody deserves better than this."

When asked about his relationship with Ed Murray growing up, Simpson said, "Very late in my life, a few years ago, things had changed because he's the only person I even have in my life as a family figure. He did everything for me. Being an orphan and not knowing any of my relatives he stepped up for me. It was me wanting a family so bad, more than anything, and he took that trust and violated it. He knew what he was doing. He's said that I am a liar, and that I have severe mental problems. But if you were molested and raped as a teen until age 18 by your parent you could imagine you would have some mental issues. Fortunately today I am supported by a loving family, a beautiful wife, a beautiful kid and I'm blessed today. It just seems like Mayor Murray continues to use his Mayor position to further victimize his victims."

When asked what he would want to say to Ed Murray today, Simpson said, "I would say that is the first good step, Ed. If you want to get closure with this, and help your victims, I think I would consider apologizing and moving on because you know what you have done. One or two people might be a lie, but eight or nine children have been raped and molested and you have destroyed their lives. Some of them are not even alive now. They (the victims) deserve an apology and they deserve it from you. Quit fighting it and quit saying everybody is lying. Shame on you."