Whatcom County council member’s cows interrupt online budget talks; moos heard

WHATCOM COUNTY, Wash. — The Whatcom County Council had a very interesting interruption during an online budget hearing Thursday.

According to the Bellingham Herald, some council members have struggled with technological issues since the coronavirus pandemic made online meetings the norm.

During Thursday’s meeting, council member Ben Elenbaas, who has dealt with numerous tech trials due to the internet connection at his farm near Ferndale, found the situation “less than ideal,” the Herald reported. Elenbaas took his laptop from the house to his barn in hopes of getting a stronger signal.

During the meeting, cows were heard when Elenbaas turned on his mic, joining in the discussion.

When Elenbaas called for action on a measure, “his words were echoed with a loud ‘moo!’”

Council member Rud Browne asked if Elenbaas had cows in his living room.

Elenbaas explained that the internet connection was better in the barn.

“That’s what happens when people in the Fifth District elect a farmer,” Elenbass said.