
Which schools might close? Seattle Public Schools shares two options

SEATTLE, Wash. — On Wednesday, Seattle Public Schools (SPS) shared two options it’s considering to address low enrollment and grapple with its $100 million deficit.

Proposed Option A

  • 21 elementary and K-8 schools would close.
  • 52 elementary schools would remain open.
  • Approximate $31.5 million budget reduction.

Proposed Option B

  • 17 schools would close.
  • 56 schools would remain open.
  • Approximate $25.5 million budget reduction

The district posted the proposals on its new Well-Resourced Schools’ webpage.

Parents can enter their addresses into an interactive map and see whether their children’s school might close under each of the proposals.

It also shows where their children could attend school in 2025-26 if the district proceeds with closing their current school.

View Option A map here.

View Option B map here.

SPS is also planning to host a series of community meetings, so everyone has the opportunity to understand the proposals and share feedback.

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