Whidbey Island daycare teacher arrested for assault

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OAK HARBOR, Wash. — Oak Harbor Police arrested and jailed former day care teacher for assault. Newly released court documents detail allegations against former day care instructor, Darlene Hoffman.

Videos circulating on social media show Hoffman spanking and handling children roughly. These videos, captured by another teacher inside The Children’s Academy on Southwest Fort Nugent Avenue, are now at the center of a Oak Harbor Police Department investigation.

KIRO 7′s Lauren Donovan obtained 21 pages of police documents full of testimony from outraged parents and teachers.

One former teacher told authorities, “This is not a safe place for children.”

Numerous claims are made that this was not the fist time Darlene had been aggressive with the kids.

“It was not just her having a bad day — Darlene would roughly grab the children by their arms, often making them cry. Darlene would get angry when they cried and would shake them.”