Mollie Tibbetts search: University of Iowa student goes missing, hasn't been seen 10 days

A 20-year-old University of Iowa student mysteriously vanished while jogging and hasn't been seen in more than a week.

Mollie Tibbits was last seen running through a neighborhood on the outskirts of Brooklyn, a small city about 70 miles east of Des Moines, Iowa. Missing posters cover light poles and the doors to businesses throughout the community, showing photos of the young woman smiling with her boyfriend and her family.

But 10 days after her mysterious July 18 disappearance, authorities still don't know what happened to the student.

"It’s frustrating; it’s powerless," said the student's aunt, Kim Calderwood. "We’re racking our brains, thinking what can we think of to tell the investigators. It’s the worst thing … to want to fix something you can't fix."

The community has scoured the area for clues and authorities are hoping Tibbits' Fitbit, which she always wore, will help them track her. The device tracks distance traveled and other information and could help provide some information on her whereabouts.

Tibbits was dogsitting at the home of her boyfriend and his brother when she went for a jog, wearing gym shorts, a black sports bra and running shoes.

That was the last time she was seen. A local company and Crime Stoppers is offering a total reward of $2,000 for information about her disappearance.

Her longtime boyfriend, Dalton Jack, said he received a Snapchat about 10 p.m. the day she went missing, and it looked as if she was in a home. He sent her several text messages the next day, none of which she answered.

"I still call her every day, too, hoping by some weird chance she will pick up," said Jack, 20. "It just goes straight to voicemail. The phone is dead."

A vigil is planned next week for Tibbits and another missing Iowan, Jake Wilson, an autistic teenager who vanished in April.

The Wednesday vigil is dedicated to supporting the families of those missing and call attention for people to be more vigilant.

"It’s a very unsettling feeling around here," said Amanda Goodman, executive director of Family & Children's Council of Black Hawk County, which is organizing the vigil. "These children are vanishing."

There were 4,311 juviniles reported missing to the Missing Person Information Clearinghouse website in the 2017 fiscal year — averanging 12 new missing children per day.

The Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation said the "vast majority" of these cases are resolved within 24 hours and typically are the result of runaway situations.

The Missing Person Information Clearinghouses lists 66 people reported missing so far in July. Of those, 48 are juveniles.

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