KIRO 7 is carrying the Denver at Cincinnati game Sunday at 10 a.m. But due to official NFL rules, the second game of the CBS Double Header will not be seen because the Seahawks are playing a sold-out game at home.
The NFL rules prohibit other NFL games from being shown on local television stations while a local team is playing a sold-out home game. The rules are designed to make sure ticket-holders show up at the stadium instead of watching the other game on TV.
When the home team is being shown on the network with the NFL singleheader, the doubleheader station can only air one of its games. So when this happens, there are only two games shown in the market. When, however, the home team is being shown on the network with the NFL doubleheader, all three games can air in the market.
On Sunday, because the Seahawks are playing a sold-out home game at 1 p.m., the NFL prohibits KIRO 7 from showing another game at the same time.
If you have a comment on the NFL rules, contact the NFL at