Icy road conditions continue to linger in Snohomish County.
Early Thursday morning sixteen trucks with Snohomish County Public Works headed out, and started treating roads.
Public Works director Kelly Snyder says eastern parts of the county were hit the hardest.
“In some cases, it’s looking like black ice,” said Snyder.
Residential roads between Everett to Edmonds were slick and streets in Mukilteo were covered in ice.
Bothell Police sounded the alarm, pleading everyone to take it slow after responding to an incident where a driver went off the road.
Public work crews have laid 10,000 gallons of anti-icing liquid, about 1,500 tons of sand and 48 tons of salt.
“Sometimes we have to close roads and then we reassess them when they are open,” said Snyder.
Snyder says during weather events like this they also rely on the public to report any troubling areas.
“We have 1,600 miles of road so we can’t be everywhere at once and so we have primary routes that we got to first and then we hear from the traveling public if they see some conditions that are concerning we go out and address those very quickly,” said Snyder.