Snohomish County bat tests positive for rabies

A bat in Snohomish County has tested positive for rabies Monday, according to the Snohomish County Health Department.

Although there was no known human exposure, multiple pets were exposed. Health officials are following up to verify the rabies vaccination status for the pets are up to date and are providing temporary confinement of the animals for monitoring purposes.

Snohomish County residents are urged to know and follow preventative measures, and avoid all contact with bats. While most bats are harmless, a rabies-infected bat can be undetectable by sight.

Exposure can be a bite or scratch, or waking up and finding a bat in the room you were sleeping.

Make sure all pets are up to date on their rabies vaccines.

Bats prefer areas like attics, barns, outbuildings, and cabins, as places that are dark with insects to eat.

So far in 2023, seven other bats have tested positive for rabies across the state.

Rabies infects the central nervous system and is almost always deadly once the virus attacks the body. Symptoms usually occur two and eight weeks after the exposure and can include headaches, fever and pain at the bite or scratch site.

If you feel you have been exposed, contact a health provider immediately and call the Snohomish County Health Department at 425-339-3503.