
Parents concerned about weekend shooting at Everett elementary school


EVERETT, Wash. — Elementary school students in Everett returned to class Monday as police continued their search for a teenager who opened fire at the school over the weekend.

The shooting happened at Horizon Elementary School's basketball court, located along West Casino Road.

Everett police stood watch Monday morning as parents walked their kids to the school with a shaken sense of security.

“I did feel very safe but now I am worried," said parent Ester Palominos.

Her anxiety comes after the shooting of a teenager Saturday evening at the school's basketball court directly behind the main building.

A group of teens told KIRO 7 the victim goes by the name Mo.

"These guys just walked up and started arguing, saying, ‘Where's this white boy talking on Facebook,’" said one teen who didn’t want to be named.

KIRO 7 found the basketball court littered with beer cans, bottles and cigarette butts.

"It's just not a safe school to me," said Rachel Harrison, who sends her kids to another school.

Parents said they want more security.

“Why don't they close the basketball court off?” asked parent Claudia Garcia. “Close it so it can be private for the school and so no one else uses it."

KIRO 7 took their concerns to school officials.

The spokesperson for the Mukilteo School District refused an on-camera interview to talk about the district's response to the shooting.

The spokesperson said neighbors’ concerns that the basketball court is a breeding ground for violence “is not the school district's problem” because the basketball court is a public facility that is can be used by everyone.

KIRO 7 asked police if the public facility is being misused.

Officer Aaron Snell, spokesman for the department, said they don’t get called out to the basketball court any more than other places.

“I think we have to stress this happened on the weekend, so it's not during the school day and there weren't children that go to school there present,” said Snell.

Snell and the school district spokesperson both said they work together closely.

The suspect is described in his late teens, with a skinny build and a bald head. Witnesses said he was wearing a blue T-shirt and jeans.

Snell said investigators are compiling information gathered from witnesses to determine who the suspect is.

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