
Police say UPS truck driver left after hitting woman in Tukwila crosswalk


TUKWILA, Wash. — A 25-year-old woman was hit crossing the street in Tukwila on November 18. Video from the accident was released Wednesday.

Police say Brittany Jackson was crossing Andover Park West in the crosswalk, with the walk symbol, when a UPS truck hit her.

The video shows the UPS truck drive about 50 feet, then park. The driver appears to walk up to talk to Jackson, then walks away, and drives off.

The driver 45 year old Carl Scammon was arrested for hit-and-run. The case is still under review by the King County Prosecutor.

Jackson is suing UPS and the driver for her injuries. According to Jackson’s attorney, Chris Davis, the truck ran over both of her ankles and feet crushing them.

She spent days in the hospital, weeks in a wheel chair, and months in casts. The 25 year old who teaches Graphic design has been in too much pain to work.

Her medical bills are adding up to more than $50,000.

Scammon and UPS are both trying to stop the civil suit. They want the criminal case decided first.

Scammon claims he didn’t know he hit Jackson.  Davis says the video proves that isn’t true.

Davis would like to see UPS and Scammon held accountable.  “UPS should step up to the plate and admit responsibility, so should the driver, and they’re not doing that in this case,” said Davis.