Election 2024: Answers to your ballot questions

SEATTLE, Wash. — Election day is Tuesday, November 5, which is just around the corner. KIRO 7 News has compiled a list of answers to some of the most frequently asked questions surrounding your ballot.

Can I get a new ballot if mine is lost or destroyed?

Yes! You can print out a replacement ballot by doing the following:

1. sign into VoteWA.gov

2. Click on ‘Your Ballot & Voting Materials’ along the top of the screen

3. Click on ‘Get a Replacement Ballot

How can I track my ballot?

Sign into VoteWA.gov and click on ‘Your Ballot & Voting Materials along the top of the screen. On this page, you will see the official ballot tracker which shows what date your ballot was mailed, when it was received and processed by your county and whether it was accepted.

When is the deadline to submit my ballot?

Deposit your ballot in an official drop box by 8 p.m. on November 5. If you are dropping your ballot into a USPS mailbox, be sure it is postmarked for Nov. 5.

Where’s the nearest ballot box?

If you click here, you will find an interactive map showing all Washington State ballot drop boxes and voting centers.