Sequim woodworker donates handmade wooden toys for Tukwila police to hand out to kids

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TUKWILA, Wash. — The Tukwila Police Department is sharing its gratitude for a Sequim man after a thoughtful donation.

The department said last month, woodworker Larry Laing dropped off several handmade wooden toy cars.

The toys are for children whom officers encounter while out on critical calls. Officers say oftentimes these kids are experiencing something very traumatic and the toys can help them cope.

“It is not uncommon for us to encounter individuals committing crimes with children in tow, finding children hiding in closets and under beds following domestic violence incidents and other situations in which children are exposed to things that they should never have to see or experience,” the police department said in a news release. “Larry provided us with these toys that he made with the hope that they would be a bridge and much needed distraction for us to assist children coping with the immediate impact of traumatic events and stress.”

To date, Laing has handmade more than 6,000 toys and donated them to various orphanages, children’s hospitals, and children’s charities.