South Sound News

Car windows shot out in Yelm


People who drive on State Route 507 in Yelm say someone has been shooting at cars by Shaw Road for at least one year.

The latest incident reportedly occurred Friday night when a driver allegedly had two windows shot out.
Numerous drivers said they experienced similar incidents, including Jenny Hartford, who was on SR 507 coming back church in February of 2017 when her windows shattered.

"Our side window and rear window exploded. My kids were sitting in the back. Lots of screaming and chaos," Hartford said.

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Hartford has pictures of the damage to her car. Based on the trajectory, investigators told her a bullet caused the windows to shatter. About one month later, the same thing happened to Rainier resident Bill Pflugmacher on the same stretch of the highway.

"I was driving to work and 'pow.' I had glass all over me, down my shirt and down my lap," Pflugmacher said.

A few months later, Courtney Klumpp's vehicle was targeted on Highway 507. She doesn't believe bullets damaged the doors on her car but feels someone out there is targeting vehicles.

"That's not an accident to this many people," she said. "I'm lucky I didn't get my windows knocked out."

The drivers who suffered car damage last year are alarmed to know the issue is ongoing. However, it's unclear which agency is looking into the problem.

Drivers who have called Yelm police are being referred to the Thurston County Sheriff's Office, who referred KIRO 7 to Washington State Patrol. WSP told Pflugmacher and Klumpp that their cases would be impossible to investigate without evidence.

"I don't want somebody to die in order for something to happen," Pflugmacher said.

Drivers say the majority of the incidents occur early in the morning or late at night.