South Sound News

Tacoma police investigating after young woman doused with accelerant and set on fire

Tacoma police investigating after young woman doused with accelerant and set on fire (eyJpdiI6ImEvbUl3eVBWTVNMR29VYmNFSmhCMmc9PSIsInZhbHVlIjoid01NbThFd09SZTNtdmZOeUdlT25FN2hwbExFK2c4T0tSSTBBZjRDM3UvSEhWb0tTTmlwdi9GNnBvM3lEMDhqcSIsIm1hYyI6ImM5OTExYjcxOTk0NmQxYjY3MTQwZDNjZGNkZmU4NjVhYzhmMzVmMjgxNDdiYTQ2Yjc0NzQ4MmIzNzAyMGQ5ZTMiLCJ0YWciOiIifQ==)

Detectives with the Tacoma Police Department are investigating a suspicious death where an 18-year-old woman was doused with an accelerant and intentionally set on fire.

Around 1 a.m. on Sept. 3, firefighters with the Tacoma Fire Department responded to a brush fire in the 2900 block of Upper Park Street.

After they extinguished the fire, they found the woman’s body in the debris.

Her cause of death is still pending.

On Wednesday, the Pierce County Medical Examiner’s Office identified the woman as Chloee Moore of Tacoma.

A verified GoFundMe for Chloe has been set up by her sister, asking for help in the cost of a memorial service to honor her memory.

Detectives are asking if anyone has information about this incident to contact South Sound 911 or Tacoma-Pierce County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS.