Tacoma teachers, district reach tentative agreement; school to start Monday

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Tacoma Public Schools and the Tacoma Education Association have reached a tentative agreement on Thursday to end the teachers strike.

A joint statement was released:

The Tacoma Education Association, an affiliate of the Washington Education Association, and the Tacoma Public School District have ratified an agreement and school will begin on Monday, September 17th.

Together, we have had to navigate a difficult and complex new funding system, and we collectively believe the following:

  • Our community deserves the best educators, and this contract will allow us to recruit and retain strong professionals.
  • Without changes in state funding, Tacoma Public Schools will face painful cuts.
  • The district has a record of fiduciary responsibility.
  • Although the School Board, Superintendent, and TEA have been placed in a difficult situation, together we will remain united to support every student, every day.

The Tacoma Education Association and Tacoma Public School District recognize that the legislative solution to the McCleary State Supreme Court Decision provided the Tacoma Public School District with inequitable funding relative to other districts. Therefore, we will work collectively with our state legislators to address the funding inequities facing us.

School is scheduled to begin Monday, Sept. 17, pending a vote on the agreement by TEA members.

Officials said all school buildings will remain closed to students and 10-month employees on Friday.

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