
Survey: Why people aren’t wearing masks

Only around 40% of Washington residents report they always wear a face mask when they leave home. Premise, a crowd sourcing data collection company, wanted to find out why.

You can view the survey here

Nearly 30% said they don’t wear masks because they are uncomfortable. Almost as many people said they don’t own a mask or know how to make one.

Since June 26, residents have been required by law to wear a mask in indoor public spaces and in public spaces outdoors when they were unable to social distance.

Instructions on how to make face masks are all over the web. Lt. Gov. Cyrus Habib has even posted instructions on his website: https://www.ltgov.wa.gov/how-to-make-a-mask

Nearly 16% of respondents believe that they don’t need a mask to protect themselves or those around them.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that nearly everyone over the age of 2 should be wearing face coverings. Exceptions include anyone who has trouble breathing, is unconscious, incapacitated, or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.

The CDC also says that face coverings are most likely to stop the spread of the virus that causes COVID-19 when the majority of people are wearing them.

Around 4% of people surveyed said the reason they aren’t wearing masks is that no one in their area is wearing them.

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