Thai restaurant in Lower Queen Anne saved

SEATTLE — A Thai restaurant in Lower Queen Anne slated to close at the end of May has been saved.

Tup Tim Thai has been in the neighborhood for 24 years and was closing its doors because the owners could not renew their lease.

The owner of restaurant, George Lertkentithum, told KIRO 7 Eyewitness News they were paying $4,000 in rent per month and the building’s owner asked for $8,000.  He said they counter offered with $4,500 and couldn't go any higher.

In an effort to keep the restaurant from shutting down, the Uptown Alliance sent a letter to the property owner begging him to reconsider.

The owner of Tup Tim Thai told KIRO 7 reporter John Knicely that on Thursday night, the building owner came to terms with Lertkentithum. Rent was increased to $5,300 a month. The increase is $35 per square foot, which is on the high end for the area.