Tolls on Tacoma Narrows Bridge under scrutiny

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The Washington Transportation Commission may discuss the new toll hike on the Narrows Bridge coming this summer and the possibility of another rate hike in the future.

Many drivers say they can't take another price hike to cross the bridge.

People have complained about the tolls for years, and some drivers say that every time the tolls go up, they cut back on their trips from Gig Harbor to Tacoma.

Currently, drivers pay $5 if they have a Good to Go! pass; $6 for cash and $7 for those who pay by mail.
Tolls will go up 50 cents in July, and on Wednesday, the commission may discuss another rate hike further in the future.

Last year, when tolls went up because of escalating debt and lower revenue, drivers said they may avoid the bridge altogether.

“It’s starting to get a little ridiculous. There will be a point where people can't afford to cross the bridge,” a driver told KIRO 7.

The commission will also discuss changing tolls on Interstate 405 between Bellevue and Lynnwood.

Some recommendations have been to make the tolls free on nights and weekends.

On Tuesday, tolls on I-405 reached the $10 maximum for the express lanes.

Also Tuesday, Gov. Jay Inslee said he understands drivers’ frustrations about tolling on I-405 and talked about solutions.

They include smoothing chokepoints by adding a lane in one spot and widening a shoulder for cars to drive on.

But Inslee said he won't cut the number of toll lanes in half, because traffic engineers believe that will make traffic worse.

“They have concluded it would increase congestion rather than decrease it and our goal is to decrease congestion over time,” said Inslee.

In the short term, Inslee talked about re-striping certain stretches of the tolling corridor and tweaking the algorithm which sets prices.