
3-year-old boy battling cancer to be sworn in as honorary FDNY fireman

NEW YORK, N.Y. — A three-year-old boy is about to live his dream: to become a New York City firefighter.

Trucker Dukes was diagnosed with stave IV neuroblastoma when he was less than 2 years old, KHON reports.


Today is one of those days when it would be super easy to have a pitty party.. Woke up to grey skys, missing my family, and nervous about our long treatment day. #cancersucks Today is the first day they are treating his cerebral spinal fluid which we have never done before. They mix the toxic nuclear medicine in some mad scientist lab somewhere in nyc first thing in the morning, then deliver it sloan and mix it there with liquid radiation where they inject it into his head port and then we have to wait 4 hours after to have a scan which means a several needle pokes having both ports accessed and not eating all day until after the scan because he needs anesthesia:(:(:( the silver lining? As we were walking to the hospital this morning we saw engine 44 on a call at the end of our street and realized we knew "the boyz" #littlestbrother #FDNYhasbigaloha and they gave us a ride so we could get there on time!! #LOVEbeatscancer #bestridetothehospitalever #yeahboyz Thank you for making our day a little brighter!!❤️🚒❤️🚒❤️🚒❤️🚒❤️🚒 Lt.Bobby Jones and FF Ali!!!

A photo posted by Shauna Dukes (@mauimammadukes) on

He and his mother have been travelling between Maui and New York for treatments at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. While walking down the street, the met FDNY captain Jim Grismer. The two instantly formed a strong friendship.

"I see this little boy excitedly walking towards me with his eyes aglow," Grismer said. "I opened my arms and he basically climbed up and hugged me around the neck. It was as if we've been friends or brother for years."

Trucker has been visiting the fire department regularly. The department will swear Trucker in as an honorary firefighter on May 31.

If you would like to donate to help Trucker's family with medical costs, click here.