Election Day 2018 live updates: Dems seize House, Trump spars with media

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Thirty-five Senate seats, 435 House seats, 36 gubernatorial races and more than 6,000 state and local races were decided Tuesday in a high-stakes election that will reshape Congress and heavily influence President Donald Trump's next two years in office.

Below is the latest on the races.

Note: Some results are still being tabulated.

Florida votes to give felons their voting rights back

9:12 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: Florida voters approve constitutional amendment restoring voting rights to most felons.

Beto O’Rourke is still ahead of Ted Cruz

9 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: In Texas, Democrat Beto O'Rourke is ahead of incumbent Sen. Ted Cruz (R) 50.1 percent to 48.3 percent.

Andy Barr wins Kentucky District 6

8:49 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: Incumbent Republican Andy Barr defeats  ex-fighter pilot Amy McGrath in a widely-watched House race.

Latest races that have been called

8:41 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: 

  • Republican businessman Bill Lee is elected Tennessee governor, defeating former Nashville Mayor Democratic Karl Dean.
  • Democratic Gov. Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island wins second term, defeating Republican Allan Fung.
  • Greg Pence, Vice President Mike Pence's older brother, elected to Congress in Indiana.
  • Democratic Gov. Gina Raimondo of Rhode Island wins second term, defeating Republican Allan Fung.
  • Kentucky clerk Kim Davis, jailed in 2015 over gay marriage licenses, loses re-election to Democrat Elwood Caudill Jr.

8:34 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018:

  • Republican U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan is re-elected to a seventh term in Florida's 16th District.
  • GOP U.S. Rep. Brian Mast re-elected to second term in Florida's 18th House District.
  • Republican Morgan Griffith of Virginia re-elected to the US House, defeating Democrat Anthony Flaccavento.
  • Republican Asa Hutchinson wins second term as Arkansas governor, defeating Democrat Jared Henderson.

Shalala wins in Florida

8:25 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: Donna Shalala, ex-cabinet secretary for President Bill Clinton, wins a U.S. House seat in Florida, turns it Democratic. The Democrats need 21 more seats to take control in the U.S. House.

Voting hours extended in Georgia

8:19 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: Voting hours have been extended at three polling places in Georgia's Fulton County, home to much of Atlanta.

Races that have been called

8:13 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: 

  • Democratic Rep. Wasserman Schultz re-elected to eighth House term in Florida's 23rd District.
  • Republican Greg Steube wins open US House seat in Florida.
  • Republican Michael Waltz wins open Florida House seat, keeping 6th District in GOP control.
  • Republican US Rep. Francis Rooney wins second term in Florida.
  • Republican Charlie Baker re-elected to second term as Massachusetts governor, defeating Democrat Jay Gonzalez.
  • Republican US Rep. Neal Dunn re-elected to seat in sprawling north Florida House district.
  • Ayanna Pressley wins election unopposed, completing quest to become Massachusetts' first black woman in Congress.
  • Republican Thomas Massie defeats Democrat Seth Hall, wins another term in Kentucky's 4th Congressional District.
  • Incumbent Republican US Rep. Matt Gaetz has been re-elected to the House in Florida.

Democratic senators re-elected 

8:06 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: Democratic senators Sherrod Brown of Ohio, Ben Cardin of Maryland, Chris Murphy of Connecticut, Tom Carper of Delaware and Seldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island have been re-elected.

First Democrat House pickup

7:50 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: Jennifer Wexton (D) defeats incumbent Barbara Comstock (R) for the Virginia District 10 seat. The Democrats now need 22 seats to take control of the U.S. House.

Florida senate race

7:32 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: With a third of the vote reported, Nelson has 51.4 percent; Scott has 48.7 percent.

7:18 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: With 15 percent reporting: Nelson - 52.8 percent; Scott - 47.2 percent.

Florida Governor’s race

7:08 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: With 3 percent reporting: Ron DeSantis (R) - 49.1; Andrew Gillum (D) - 52.4 percent.

Florida senate numbers

7:04 p.m.EST Nov. 6, 2018: With 3 percent reporting: Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) - 47.2 percent; Sen. Bill Nelson (D) - 52.8 percent.

Senate projections

7:02 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: CNN is projecting that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) and Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Virginia) have been re-elected to the Senate.

Kentucky Dist. 6 update

6:47 p.m. Nov. 6, 2018: With 1 percent reporting, a switch: McGrath (D) - 49.8; Barr (R) - 49.4.

Indiana Senate update

6:42 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: Mike Braun (R) - 59.5 percent; Joe Donnelly (D) - 36.3 percent. This is with 2 percent of the vote reporting.

Kentucky Dist. 6 update

6:34 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: Still early results: Barr (R) - 59 percent; McGrath (D) - 40 percent.

Indiana Senate update

6:30 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: Still in early returns, Mike Braun has 58 percent; Joe Donnelly has 37 percent.

Voting issues seen

6:19 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: The AP is reporting: "By Tuesday afternoon, the nonpartisan Election Protection hotline had received some 17,500 calls from voters experiencing problems at their polling places."

>> LONG LINES IN FULTON COUNTY, GEORGIA: Fulton County using 700 fewer voting machines … here's why

Indiana’s Senator race:

6:11 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: Very early results: Republican Mike Braun - 63.6 percent; Democrat Joe Donnelly - 32.2 percent.

Election results are coming in now

6:05 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: Kentucky's District 6 U.S. House race early results: Andy Barr (R) - 58 percent Amy McGrath (D) - 40.9 with 1,000 votes counted.

First-time voters

5:19 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: Sixteen percent of those surveyed in exit polls said that this election is the first one they have ever participated in. Sixty-eight percent of those surveyed said the economy is good.

First exit polls are out

5 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: Some voters were asked as they left polling places how they felt about President Donald Trump's job performance. Forty-four percent approve of his handling of the country and 55 percent disapprove, according to early polling.

Sixty-five percent of those polled say they made up their mind as to how they would vote in the midterm election more than a month ago.

Pelosi says she's confident Democrats will win the House

4:39 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi told reporters Tuesday that she is "100 percent" sure Democrats will take the U.S. House in the midterm election.

"I'm confident we will win," she told reporters. "When we win, on the opening day, our Democratic Congress will be transparent," Pelosi said.

Democratic PAC translate ads into Spanish

4:24 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: A Democratic super PAC, Priorities USA Action, translated digital ads to Spanish in real time on election day once they saw "Dónde votar," or "where to vote," was the top Google search Tuesday morning.

According to the group, the ads were translated after seeing the tweet, specifically for voters in Arizona and Florida Josh Schwerin of Priorities USA Action told The Washington Post.

President, first lady vote absentee

4:04 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: President Trump and first lady Melania Trump voted by absentee ballot in New York.

Father of Parkland victim urges people to vote

3:29 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: Fred Guttenberg, whose daughter Jamie was one of 17 people killed during a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida on Feb. 14, is urging people to vote. He says he wants candidates who favor gun control measures to be elected to office.

Problems with voting machines not abnormal

3:11 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: Officials at the Department of Homeland Security  say reports of voting machine issues are likely not out of the norm.

"They (state officials) did not share any widespread issues or trends with specific machines," a Department of Homeland Security official who has been working with vendors who sell and service election machine told reporters on Tuesday afternoon.

There are "typical machine issues," he said.

Wil this be the year of the female candidate?

2:10 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: 

Taylor says you need to go vote

2 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: Singer Taylor Swift is urging her fans to get out and vote. She took to Instagram to reminded fans to participate.

Turnout is reported to be heavy nationwide

1:39 p.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: Turnout at polling places across the country has been heavy today, according to reports. This comes on the heels of early voter turnout that looks to have set a record.

“This is not a normal election,” University of Florida professor Michael McDonald told Politico. “The best guess is that we’re looking at some sort of hybrid midterm/presidential election” in terms of turnout.

McDonald tracks voter turnout.

8 a.m. EST Nov. 6, 2018: If you are unsure where to vote or how long your polling place is open, check out this story:

It will tell you how to find out the specifics for your polling place.

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