
Officer's tweet after pulling over slow driver in left lane goes viral


VERSAILLES, Ind. — An Indiana State Police officer is getting attention from the internet after pulling over a driver for going too slow in the left lane and backing up traffic.

Sgt. Stephen Wheeles posted about the traffic stop Saturday on Twitter.

"I stopped this vehicle today for a left lane violation on I-65. The driver had approximately 20 cars slowed behind her because she would not move back to the right lane," Wheeles tweeted. "Again ... if there are vehicles behind you, you must move to the right lane to allow them to pass."

By Monday, the post had been retweeted more than 20,000 times and had 60,000 likes. Wheeles even engaged some commenters, offering an extended driver’s education lesson when asked if the rule applied to drivers going the speed limit in the left lane.

“The spirit of the law is that since many people drive well above the speed limit, it creates an ‘accordion effect’ as traffic starts backing up behind the slower vehicle,” Wheeles said. “This is where many of our crashes occur on the interstates. It’s all in the name of safety.”