Video shows ransacked Nike store on Black Friday

<p><span style="font-family: Georgia, &quot;Times New Roman&quot;, &quot;Bitstream Charter&quot;, Times, serif; font-size: 13px;">&nbsp;A pedestrian walks by a Nike store on March 22, 2016 in San Francisco, California. Nike Inc. will announce third-quarter earnings after the closing bell.&nbsp;</span></p>

 A pedestrian walks by a Nike store on March 22, 2016 in San Francisco, California. Nike Inc. will announce third-quarter earnings after the closing bell. 

Black Friday can be an exciting time for consumers hoping to take advantage of great deals, but it can also be an intimidating day for those who work in retail.

The Seattle Premium Outlets were packed with shoppers on Black Friday, but the Nike factory store in Tulaip, Washington, wasn't prepared for the mayhem that took place.

On a typical day, this is what the store looks like:

But after Black Friday, when shoppers ransacked the store while trying on shoes and snagging deals, the store looked much different.

Customer Larry Downer, of Seattle, recorded video of the mayhem.

"The wake of consumerism at the Nike Factory Store is savage," Downer wrote on Facebook on Friday. "Found ... some basketball shoes, saved a lady from drowning in a sea of orange boxes and sprained my neck from shaking my head so much. Yikes."

Downer told BuzzFeed News that he went to the store to buy basketball sneakers for his son.

"I thought there was an earthquake that happened," he said. "It was unreal ... People were just kicking stuff out of the way."

A store employee told Buzzfeed the scene was "Jurassic Park crazy" and said that nearly 20,000 people visited the store Thursday night for Black Friday deals.